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Scottish Breeds Canine Club Open Show 2014 Critique

Thank you very much for my invite to judge at this friendly and well organised show. I am very appreciative of all the exhibitors who had travelled quite some distances to get to the show and I had a great time going over such lovely hounds.
If you are looking for an indoor show to get your hounds used to this type of venue. Then I would recommend this show. It was not too noisy, there was room to sit and relax with your dogs outside the ring and the ring was a very decent size.
Puppy (1/2)

  1. CHUILINN BALLAD. 8 month old bitch puppy. There was nothing not to like about this puppy. Very promising. She had a lovely harsh dark coat. The sweetest of expressions with a dark eye and good small ears. Good straight front with tight feet. Good angulation. Correct top line and fall away and lovely easy and free movement. BP, BPIS.

Yearling (3/5)

  1. TEVIOTDALE BANNER BLUE. 22 month old dog. This was a close class. This dog I felt just had the better top line and front angulation. Good forechest, bone and feet. Nice head and expression with a good dark eye and small ears. Movement true if lacking a little drive.

  2. ALMONDBANK LEAD ON MCDUFF. 17 month old dog. There was little to split 1 and 2. Movement though was not as settled but this was a young teenage just having a fun time. A little more return of upper arm would have been preferred. But this dog did have a lovely masculine head with a good dark eye and a great harsh coat. Good feet and lovely powerful quarters. In very fit well muscled condition.

  3. MOIREACH OSPREY OF FINGON                               

Postgraduate (2/4)

  1. LEOCH ISLA. 3 year old bitch. A little of the small side but in balance and not exaggerated. She also had a good width to her body and was well muscled. Good head with dark eye and small ears. Good neck leading into nicely sloping shoulders with a straight front with a decent front pastern slope and good feet. Correct top line which she held on the move. Good harsh coat. Movement free and easy.

  2. HILLMORTON HAZEL D & J McIntyre.19 month old bitch. Lost out to first in maturity and movement. The best head and expression of the day for me. Just a lovely shape of head with that far away expression and the neatest of ears. Good length of neck. But perhaps a little upright in front as the front movement just did not have the reach of the first and she had a tendency to pick up her front feet too much. Overall, a strong athletic bitch in good hard condition.

Limit (2/5)

  1. ISLAY’S IARLA. Nearly three year old dog. Very eye catching and just projects power and strength. He does not have a lot of furnishings on the head but the head has a good shape and he has a dark eye with a well folded ear. His front angulation was excellent with a good forechest, straight front and good slope to front pasterns. Good feet. Correct top line with good length and strength over the loin. Good spring of rib. Very well muscled dog in absolutely top physical condition with a lovely harsh dark coat. Where he won out overall was in his movement which was just effortless, easy and true coming and going.  

  2. FINTRALGOR RED RED ROSE. 2 ½ year old bitch. Coming together well. Quite a different style of dog to 1st with a longer lighter grey coat. She has a lovely dark eye, good forechest and good front angulation. Lovely deep chest. Good feet. Correct top line with good length in body. Held her top line well on the move but just did not have the propulsion from the rear as the 1st and was moving a little close behind in this indoor ring. BOS.

Open (2/3)

  1. CH COTHERSTONE SHOT AND STEEL. 4 year old dog. What a quality, balanced dog and another eye catcher. Fully deserves his CC status. Lovely dark harsh coat. Good dark eye but ears could be a little smaller but that did not detract from his lovely masculine expression. Excellent bone and feet. Lovely top line and fall away. Good deep chest. Not moving well in front today in this indoor ring with quite a few distractions. My BOB decision between the Open and Limit winners was difficult but in the end I went for the movement and power of the younger Limit Dog. RBIS.

  2. LEOCH FIONA. 4 year old bitch. Good front angulation. Nice depth of chest. Good feet. Not quite the width in second thigh as 1st and didn’t drive out as well from behind as 1st but overall a good strong bitch with good width to body and in well muscled condition.   

Prof. Elise Cartmell